History of South America

Why did the hippie movement start?

Origins and Causes

- Post-World War II Affluence: The economic boom after World War II led to increased prosperity and leisure time for many Americans, allowing them to explore alternative lifestyles and values.

- Generation Gap: Tensions between the values and lifestyles of the older generation and those of the younger generation contributed to the desire for social change.

- Civil Rights Movement: The success of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s and 1960s inspired young people to fight for other social and political causes.

- Vietnam War Protests: Opposition to the Vietnam War galvanized many young people and created a sense of dissatisfaction with the establishment.

- Influence of Eastern Philosophies: Exposure to Eastern philosophies, religions, and practices, particularly those from India, played a role in shaping the spiritual and philosophical beliefs of many hippies.

- Counterculture Values: The hippie movement embraced values such as peace, love, freedom, individuality, communal living, and environmentalism, often rejecting traditional norms and values.