- Good: $15
- Fine: $31
- Very Fine: $58
- Extremely Fine: $169
- About Uncirculated: $266
- Uncirculated: $889
- Good: $15
- Fine: $31
- Very Fine: $58
- Extremely Fine: $169
- About Uncirculated: $266
- Uncirculated: $889
1) When and where was Saint Martin born? José de San Martín was born on February 25, 1778 in the town of Nuestra Señora de los Tres Reyes Magos de Yapeyú, located on the coast of the Uruguay River, in the province of Corrientes, almost 780 kilometers from Buenos Aires. 2) How was his family made u
The Quilombo dos Palmares was one of the many quilombos of the Brazilian colonial era and its origin dates back to 1580. Palmares was the refuge for runaway slaves from the captaincies of Pernambuco and Bahia. What is Quilombo? The word “quilombo ” has Bantu etymology and refers to the warrior ca
The Trench Warfare (1915-1917) consisted of the phase of the First World War when this military tactic was widely used. What happened? The Trench War lasted two years and was the longest period of the conflict. As the armies of the Allies and the Central Powers had very balanced forces, the soluti
LOCATION: The Lambayeque or Sicán culture developed on the Lambayeque river basin (formerly the Faquisllanga river or collique river), in the area of the towns of Cinto, Tucume and Jayanca, letting its influence be felt, in addition, to the area of Cajamarca, Piura and the Moche Valley, thus est