- Connecticut
- Delaware
- Hawaii
- Maine
- Massachusetts
- New Hampshire
- Rhode Island
- Vermont
- West Virginia
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- Hawaii
- Maine
- Massachusetts
- New Hampshire
- Rhode Island
- Vermont
- West Virginia
Washington Luis was considered the last president of the period that became known as the Old Republic. Washington created the free food markets Biography Born in Rio de Janeiro, in the city of Macaé, on October 26, 1869, however, he considered himself a paulista and made his political career in th
Until today, there is an ancient unsolved mystery regarding the cranial trepanations that the ancient Peruvians practiced, according to John Verano, to cure migraines, aneurysms and intense headaches.Write:Suriel Chacon. The forensic anthropologist and researcher, John Verano, throughout his profes
The census vote or suffrage is the right to vote granted to a certain group of people who fulfill certain economic requirements. Origin The census vote emerged at the end of the Ancien Régime with the liberal revolts that took over the European and American continents. Inspired by Enlightenment and
A team of archaeologists has discovered at the archaeological site of Tipán Chen Uitz, located in Belize, two stone panels from 1,300 years ago in which ancient Mayans are represented playing with nine balls of a span while carrying impressive fans. According to experts, the panels date back to 700