The New State corresponds to the period in which Getúlio Vargas (1882-1954) ruled Brazil from 1937 to 1945, at the last moment of the Vargas Era , marked by authoritarianism , censorship and centralization of power .
On November 10, 1937, Getúlio Vargas carried out a coup that established the Estado Novo , which would last until October 29, 1945, when, deposed by a military movement headed by generals, the Vargas government ended.
Throughout the period, its policy prioritized investments in infrastructure for industrial development.
Installation of the New State:Summary
By 1935 the government had reinforced its anti-communist propaganda , which legitimized the state of siege at the end of that year and the declaration of a state of war the following year.
Now, in January 1938 presidential elections were planned; however, taking advantage of the moment of political instability that the country was going through, Getúlio Vargas carried out a coup d'état on November 10, 1937.
Note that the 1934 constitution prohibited the reelection of Getúlio, which articulates the so-called Cohen Plan , a document that attested to the communist plan to overthrow the government, which was later discredited as a fraud.
However, fostering nationalist sentiment around the threat of communism , the dictatorship won popular support to legitimize its investiture. Thus, Vargas announced on the radio station chain the new Constitution of 1937, with clearly fascist inspiration. .
To learn more, read also :
- Getúlio Vargas
- Era Vargas
- Constitution of 1937
- Communism
- Fascism
- Populism
Characteristics of the New State
The New State in Brazil (1937-1945) must be considered in the global context, where we have seen the rise of several dictatorships :Hitler in Germany, Stalin in the USSR, Franco in Spain, Salazar in Portugal, among others.
Thus, arguing that the current constitutional regime had 'lost its practical value', causing a state of 'disorder' and 'irresponsibility', Getúlio Vargas ordered the closure of the Legislative Assemblies, the Chamber of Deputies and the National Congress.
It also closed down all civil parties and organizations and started the political hunt and, in some cases, imprisonment and death of opponents and enemies of the state.
On the political level , started to appoint interveners in the States, while in the cultural plan , the Estado Novo was characterized as a period in which the constitution of a national identity was the goal to be achieved.
Thus, "cultural anthropophagy " founded some of the aspects of the regime, which was associated with thinkers such as Carlos Drummond de Andrade , Oscar Niemeyer , Lucio Costa and Cândido Portinari , as well as being responsible for creating the National Historical and Artistic Heritage Service (SPHAN), by Mário de Andrade .
Creations of the New State
- Made the discipline of "Moral and Civic Education" in schools.
- Introduces a new exchange rate:the cruzeiro.
- Conception of Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional (CSN), Vale do Rio Doce,
- Creation of the Press and Propaganda Department (DIP) to control radios and newspapers and the Public Service Administrative Department (DASP) in 1938 to strengthen the public machine and bureaucracy and supervise state governments.
- Control of unions.
- Implementation of the CLT (Consolidation of Labor Laws) in 1943, guaranteeing several rights to workers.
- Creation of the Labor Court, the work card, minimum wage, paid weekly rest, eight-hour workday and regulation of female work for minors.
- Emergence of the National Petroleum Council (CNP), which later on will become Petrobras, in 1953.
- Concretion of the São Francisco Hydroelectric Company and the Fábrica Nacional de Motores (FNM).
- Decree of the Penal Code and the Brazilian Criminal Procedure Code.
Complement your research by reading the articles :
- Revolution of 1930
- Revolution of 1932
- Provisional Government
- Constitutionalist Government
- Brazil Republic
- Carlos Lacerda
- What is Nationalism?
- Good Neighbor Policy
- Brazilian Integralist Action
- What is dictatorship?
- Exercises on the Vargas Era
- Integralism