Here are some of the ways that people thought after World War I:
* People were relieved that the fighting had finally stopped. The war had been incredibly costly in terms of human life, with an estimated 10 million soldiers and civilians killed. People were also exhausted by the war's physical and psychological demands.
* People were grieving the loss of their loved ones. Many families had lost husbands, fathers, brothers, and sons in the war. The war also left countless people wounded and disabled.
* People were shocked and horrified by the destruction that the war had caused. The war had left a path of destruction across Europe, with entire towns and cities destroyed. The war had also caused widespread environmental damage.
* People were angry at the leaders who had led them into war. Many people felt that the war had been unnecessary and that it could have been avoided if leaders had been more careful and responsible.
* People were hopeful for a better future. The war had been a terrible catastrophe, but many people hoped that it would also lead to a better world. They hoped that the war would usher in a new era of peace and cooperation between nations.
* **The Treaty of Versailles was controversial, with some people believing that it was too harsh, and others believing it was insufficient.
* People in colonial countries began to demand independence.