In Brave New World, society is divided into five distinct castes: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, and Epsilon. These castes are determined by the individual's genetics and conditioning. Girth plays a role in determining an individual's caste and social status. Members of the upper castes, such as the Alphas and Betas, are typically taller, stronger, and have a smaller girth, indicating a more physically fit and athletic build.
On the other hand, individuals from the lower castes, like the Gammas, Deltas, and Epsilons, are often shorter, weaker, and have a larger girth, suggesting a less physically developed physique. This variation in girth reflects the different physical characteristics associated with each caste's genetic makeup and the roles they fulfill in society.
The concept of girth in Brave New World highlights the emphasis placed on physical appearance and conformity within the society portrayed in the book. It illustrates how physical attributes and body size are used as criteria for categorizing and controlling individuals, reinforcing the hierarchical structure and social divisions present within the dystopian world created by Aldous Huxley.