History of North America

What do they mean avoidance deviance defiance and acceptance?


Avoidance is a coping mechanism in which a person avoids activities, objects, or thoughts that produce anxiety or fear.

For example, a person with avoidant personality disorder may avoid social situations out of a fear of being rejected or embarrassed.


Deviance is behavior that violates social norms or expectations.

For example, jaywalking, vandalism, and petty theft are all examples of deviant behavior.


Defiance is open resistance or disobedience to authority.

For example, a child who argues with their parents or refuses to do their chores is being defiant.


Acceptance is the ability to calmly and nonjudgmentally accept a situation or experience for what it is, as opposed to attempting to struggle against it or reject it.

For example, a person who accepts their chronic illness may not like the fact that they are ill, but they are able to come to terms with it and move on with their life.