The Americans follows the story of Philip and Elizabeth Jennings (Matthew Rhys and Keri Russell), two Soviet spies posing as an American married couple in the Washington, D.C. area during the Cold War. The series explores the complex lives of the Jennings as they navigate their dual identities and the challenges of their high-stakes profession.
Other notable characters include:
- Stan Beeman (Noah Emmerich), an FBI agent who is investigating the Jennings
- Claudia (Margo Martindale), the Jennings' KGB handler
- Nina (Annet Mahendru), a Russian defector who works with the FBI
- Gabriel (Frank Langella), a high-ranking KGB officer
- Henry Jennings (Keidrich Sellati), the Jennings' son
- Paige Jennings (Holly Taylor), the Jennings' daughter
The Americans received critical acclaim throughout its run, with praise for its complex characters, nuanced writing, and strong performances. The series won numerous awards, including two Golden Globe Awards, two Emmy Awards, and a Peabody Award.