* Abraham Lincoln (1861-1865)
Presidents of the Confederate States
* Jefferson Davis (1861-1865)
* Abraham Lincoln (1861-1865)
Presidents of the Confederate States
* Jefferson Davis (1861-1865)
When William Harrison became president, he was 68 years old and died in a month in office. Therefore, he has no achievements. Born into a Virginia politician family The William Harrison family has produced a number of leading Virginia politicians, with his father Benjamin Harrison being the
The President of the United States has a hard time. And more than that, its a life-threatening mission. Several presidents were assassinated in the United States. The 20th President Garfield was one such person, and Chester Alan Arthur became the 21st President of the United States after he was assa
The latter half of the 19th century was a turbulent century when new nations such as Germany, Italy and Japan were born, and France and Britain embarked on imperialism. In this era, the United States was in a period of high economic growth called the Kinpika era, and it was Rutherford, the 18th Pres
We would be wrong to consider beauty pageants as something banal, since the first one known was responsible for the Trojan War. The goddess of discord , Eris , who had not been invited to the wedding of Peleus and Thetis, she threw among the guests a golden apple with the inscription:« For the most