- New York
- Pennsylvania
- Ohio
- Indiana
- Illinois
- Michigan
- Wisconsin
- Iowa
- Minnesota
- Kansas
- Nebraska
- California
- Oregon
- Nevada
- Idaho
- Colorado
- New York
- Pennsylvania
- Ohio
- Indiana
- Illinois
- Michigan
- Wisconsin
- Iowa
- Minnesota
- Kansas
- Nebraska
- California
- Oregon
- Nevada
- Idaho
- Colorado
The Bush Doctrine was an American foreign policy guideline established by US President George W. Bush in 2002. This ideology favored preventive war, the fight against terrorism and the free movement of capital. It also declared three countries as members of the Axis of Evil:Iraq, Iran and North Ko
In the second half of the 20th century, several independence groups began to be created in the Portuguese colony of Angola:MPLA , FNLA , UNITA … Each of them with their particular ideology and made up of different ethnic groups. In the 1960s, the first harassment and attacks on the Portuguese began.
According to a census conducted in 1830, the population of the United States exceeded 12 million. In 1790, there were 4 million people, so it will be tripled in about 40 years. It was Andrew Jackson who became president at a time when such population and territory were growing. Heroes of the War
Saint Augustine (Florida) is the oldest European settlement occupied today in the continental part of the present territory of the United States. It was founded by Pedro Menéndez de Avilés on August 28, 1565, and not for colonial or economic reasons, but military ones. Spain located a military conti