- A stronger military tradition: The South had a long history of military tradition and a strong martial culture, with many prominent military leaders and a large number of experienced soldiers.
- A more robust economy: The Southern states were largely agrarian and had a strong economy based on cotton and other cash crops. This gave them a significant economic advantage over the North, which was more industrialized and dependent on manufacturing.
- A more united population: The Southern states were more united in their support for the Confederacy and their cause of states' rights, while the Northern states were more divided, with many dissenting voices and pockets of resistance to the war effort.
- A more favorable terrain: The Southern states had a more favorable terrain for defense, with natural barriers such as mountains and rivers that made it difficult for the Northern armies to advance, while the Northern states had a more open terrain that made them more vulnerable to attack.
- A stronger network of international support: The Southern states received significant support from European powers such as Britain and France, who provided them with military supplies, financial assistance, and diplomatic recognition, while the Northern states had a more limited network of international support.