Despite its internal divisions, Missouri ultimately remained in the Union, and the Union government gained control of the state by 1865.
Despite its internal divisions, Missouri ultimately remained in the Union, and the Union government gained control of the state by 1865.
The unpopular president continues. Among the successive presidents of the United States, the unpopular presidents are concentrated in the presidents from Andrew Jackson to Theodore Roosevelt for about 100 years. At this time, America was developing rapidly. However, from an international point o
When William Harrison became president, he was 68 years old and died in a month in office. Therefore, he has no achievements. Born into a Virginia politician family The William Harrison family has produced a number of leading Virginia politicians, with his father Benjamin Harrison being the
After the Civil War, the President of the United States was mostly from the victorious North or Republican Party, but according to the law of corrupting power, the President and Congressmen of the Republican Party were associated with industrial capitalists and lost their support. As a result, Democ
Donald Trumps inauguration as President of the United States is the greatest tragedy and greatest comedy in American history. Donald Trump until becoming president Donald Trump was born in New York in 1946. His father was Fredrick Trumps son Fred Trump, who emigrated to the United States from