History of North America

How did early Arkansas settlers earn a living?

The early settlers of Arkansas earned their living primarily through farming, hunting, fishing, and trading.

1. Farming:

The fertile soil and abundant water in Arkansas made agriculture one of the most important economic activities. Settlers cultivated crops such as cotton, corn, wheat, and tobacco, among others. Cotton, in particular, became the most significant crop in the state and a valuable export.

2. Hunting:

The region was rich in wildlife, including deer, elk, bear, and various game birds. Hunting provided settlers with food, clothing, and furs for trading. It also played a role in controlling animal populations that posed a potential threat to crops.

3. Fishing:

The rivers, lakes, and streams of Arkansas were abundant in various fish species. Fishing provided a source of food and could be a supplemental income through trading or selling the surplus catch.

4. Trading:

Early settlers engaged in trade with Native American tribes, as well as with other settlers and merchants. They traded their agricultural products, hunted goods, and handmade items for goods such as firearms, tools, fabrics, and other essential supplies.