- Missouri
- Kansas
- Nebraska
- North Dakota
- Montana
- Missouri
- Kansas
- Nebraska
- North Dakota
- Montana
The arms race to develop, or improve, ways of killing has been a constant throughout history and across cultures. At least, in this post, we are going to present a non-lethal one… the gay bomb. The Sunshine Project (an international non-governmental organization that investigates and denounces the
Two of the successive presidents of the United States are Johnson, both of whom have been promoted to president after the assassination of the president. Andrew Johnson after the assassination of Lincoln has a reactionary politics and is not well received in every aspect, but Lyndon Johnson after
It is well known that the first president of the United States is George Washington, but few people know who Washington was and what life he had lived. This time, lets take a look at the life of George Washington, the father of the founding of the United States. Marriage with Martha George
At the Republican National Convention held in Miami on August 5, 1968, Richard Nixon he was elected candidate for the presidency of the Republican Party after defeating Nelson Rockefeller and Ronald Reagan. For its part, the Democratic Party, after the refusal of the president in office Lyndon B. Jo