History of North America

3 ways in which African Americans were discriminated against during the post reconstruction era?

1. Discrimination in voting:

- African Americans were subjected to various discriminatory practices that prevented them from exercising their right to vote. Poll taxes, literacy tests, all-white primaries, grandfather clauses, and other手段were used to disenfranchise African Americans and maintain white supremacy.

2. Segregation:

- Throughout the post-Reconstruction era, segregation was widely practiced in various aspects of society. African Americans were legally segregated from whites in public spaces such as schools, transportation, restaurants, and even cemeteries. This institutionalized segregation reinforced the idea of white superiority and limited African Americans' opportunities for social and economic advancement.

3. Economic discrimination:

- African Americans faced significant economic discrimination in the post-Reconstruction era. They were denied equal opportunities for employment, education, and land ownership. Many were forced to work in low-paying jobs, often as sharecroppers or domestic workers. Discriminatory practices prevented them from accumulating wealth and hindered their economic progress.