- Blockade: The Union Navy established a comprehensive blockade of Confederate ports, preventing the South from exporting cotton and other goods to foreign markets. This blockade severely impacted the Confederate economy and deprived the Southern states of much-needed revenue and resources.
- Controlling waterways: The Union Navy controlled major waterways, including the Mississippi River and its tributaries. This control allowed the Union to transport troops and supplies more easily and effectively, while denying the Confederates access to important transportation routes.
- Amphibious operations: The Union Navy collaborated with the Army to conduct amphibious operations, launching joint attacks on Confederate coastal defenses and capturing strategic locations. These operations played a crucial role in seizing Confederate forts, cities, and ports, such as Fort Sumter, New Orleans, and Mobile Bay.
- Gunboat diplomacy: The Union Navy used gunboat diplomacy to intimidate foreign powers from aiding the Confederacy. By deploying warships to strategic locations around the world, the Navy deterred potential allies of the Confederacy and prevented them from providing military support.
- Raids and sabotage: The Union Navy conducted raids on Confederate ports, shipyards, and infrastructure, disrupting the South's ability to produce and repair ships and supplies. This tactic helped to weaken the Confederate Navy and further undermined the Southern economy.
- Intelligence gathering: The Union Navy gathered intelligence about Confederate troop movements, shipbuilding activities, and supply routes, providing valuable information to the Northern command. This intelligence contributed to the Union's strategic decision-making and helped to ensure successful operations.
- Technological innovation: The Union Navy pioneered the development and use of new technologies, including ironclad warships and steam-powered vessels, which gave the North a significant advantage in naval warfare.
Overall, the Union Navy played a critical role in the Civil War by enforcing the blockade, controlling waterways, conducting amphibious operations, engaging in gunboat diplomacy, carrying out raids and sabotage, gathering intelligence, and adopting innovative technologies. These duties collectively contributed to the Union's ultimate victory and the preservation of the United States as a single nation.