Manor in the land system from the Asuka period Shoki-shōen I wrote about.
The theme this time is development of the villa And How the Kumada collection method did not hold I will explain in detail.
Collapse of the Kumada collection method
First, let's talk about farmers and rice fields.
Konden Einen Shizai Law in the Nara period After the enactment, the gap between rich and poor of farmers will widen doing.
Among the influential farmers who are wealthy, there are those who plan to further expand agricultural management and aristocrats . Becoming a follower of the Bhikkhu, and even monks without permission It seems that there were even those who became. Anyway, more and more people are trying to avoid paying taxes with that trick.
By the way, the land that has been cleared becomes your own Konden Einen Shizai Law However, at this point, Kumada Is also paid at the same time. In addition, there is also a mechanism (raise) in which rice seeds, which are also rice seeds, are rented and rice is cultivated in the rice fields, and the seeds are returned with interest, so the poor people were really poor. (There are not only public public announcements but also private announcements. Conversely, the lender has become rich)
From such a flow, fake family registers are rampant and escape Tax revenue is unstable It will become. Therefore, abolition of out-of-capacity kokushi and gunji , which was also a burden on national finances Is decided.
In addition, since the beginning of the 10th century, tax has been levied on people ( poll tax ). ) Is taxed on land ( tax ) Or Kokushi (From around this time, tax collector Instead of entrusting the management of one country to the receipt that emphasizes the aspect of
Kokushi and measures for receipt
Then, Kokushi and Zuryō who have been entrusted with one country What did you do? ??
First, receipt Divides the rice fields into tax collection units called myo. The cultivation is entrusted to a leading farmer (Tato) who became particularly powerful during the Nara period. Tato Among them, the influential person who manages a large scale is Daimyo Tato . It came to be called.
Tato Is received with a one-year contract, which is subject to taxes and extraordinary miscellaneous duties derived from miscellaneous goods, which draws on the genealogy of tax, tone, year, and public announcement as official goods. I paid it to. ( Tato undertaking cultivation and tax payment Is also called a negative name)
Sometimes temporary chores By exempting from this, it seems that there were cases where redevelopment of devastated rice fields and clearing of undeveloped land were actively carried out. These were development lords in the 11th century. Will be called.
However, even if we do our best to develop the land, Kokuga May be confiscated. So, development lord Many of them are Kokuga I became an official in charge of the administration of the government and strengthened the control of the land under my control.
Also, development lord Some are Kokuga Donating development fields to aristocrats and influential temples and shrines ( Donation-type villa As a result, manor with a powerful person as the lord Has increased.
In the Heian period, aristocrats had central power. How do you handle the mansion where such aristocrats have increased? Tax exemption ( non-transportation Privilege) and prohibition of entry to the mansion non-entry Now recognizes the privilege of. From such a flow, donation-type villas Will expand to various places in the middle of the 11th century.
Conflict between the development lord and the Kokushi over the right of non-transportation and the right of non-entry Will deepen. In addition, in the turmoil caused by changes in local politics so far, grown-up Australians and influential farmers are armed to maintain and expand their power, and government officials dispatched by the government are armed. Samurai Will appear. With the advent of this samurai, manor The way of being will change gradually.