History of Africa

How do crips get initiated?

The term "crips" typically refers to a notorious gang originating in Los Angeles, California. Gang initiations often involve violent or degrading rituals to validate membership and prove loyalty. These initiations can vary between different crip sets and over time, but some common elements include:

- Beatings or Physical Assaults: New recruits may face physical abuse by existing gang members as part of their initiation process.

- Shootings: In some cases, the initiate might undergo a mock shooting or be required to shoot a specific object as a demonstration of their willingness to engage in violence.

- Robberies: Initiates may be tasked with committing petty crimes like robberies to prove their commitment to the gang.

- Selling Drugs: New members might be involved in drug dealing activities as part of their initiation.

- Gang Symbols and Tattoos: Initiates may receive specific tattoos or adopt particular symbols associated with the gang as a sign of membership.

- Passing of the Rag: Some gangs perform a ritual known as "passing of the rag," where a bandana or piece of clothing is passed around the initiate to symbolize their acceptance.

- Surviving a Specific Time Frame: Initiates might be required to survive on the streets or within the gang for a certain amount of time to demonstrate their toughness.

- Committing a Serious Crime: In rare instances, individuals may have to commit a major crime, like murder, to prove their loyalty to the gang and complete their initiation.

It's important to note that these practices are illegal, immoral, and harmful. Individuals who are forced into or considering gang membership should seek help from law enforcement agencies, community organizations, or other support systems to break free from such dangerous environments.