Here are the details of how Acrisios tries to escape his fate:
Locking Danaë in the Bronze Tower: Acrisios builds a bronze tower or chamber specifically to keep Danaë confined and isolated from the outside world. By doing this, he hopes to prevent her from having any contact with men and thus ensuring that she will not give birth to the child destined to kill him.
Isolation and Secrecy: Acrisios takes extreme measures to keep Danaë's existence a secret and prevent her from being seen by anyone. He keeps the tower hidden and isolated, making sure that no one has access to it or knows about Danaë's presence within.
Guarding and Strict Supervision: Acrisios appoints guards to watch over Danaë and ensures that she is constantly monitored. He restricts her movements and ensures that she is completely under his control, believing that this will prevent any possibility of her escaping or meeting someone.
Defying Divine Will: Despite the oracle's warning, Acrisios tries to take matters into his own hands and manipulate events to avoid the prophesied fate. By isolating and confining Danaë, he attempts to control the outcome and defy the divine will.
Ironically, Acrisios's efforts to escape his fate ultimately contribute to its fulfillment. Danaë is impregnated by Zeus, who takes the form of golden rain to reach her in her confinement, leading to the birth of Perseus, who eventually becomes the agent of Acrisios's demise.