Examples of Bicentennial Babies
- The United States Bicentennial on July 4, 1776.
> In keeping with the spirit of the event, several babies received the name Bicentennial in addition to the names their parents chose for them.
- American author, Bicentennial Jones was born on July 4, 1776 aboard a British war vessel in Plymouth Harbor, Massachusetts. Jones went on to become a respected minister, attorney, and legislator.
- The Australian Bicentennial on January 1, 1988.
> Australia celebrated the 200th anniversary of British settlement with a range of festivities. In keeping with the spirit of the event, many children born on January 1, 1988 received the name Bicentennial.
Other Bicentennial Events
- In the United States, bicentennial celebrations have taken place for:
> - Landing at Jamestown in 1907
> - Signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1976
> - Battle of Yorktown in 1981
- Other parts of the word also celebrate bicentennial of significant events such as:
> - Bicentenary of the French Revolution in 1989
> - Australian Constitution and Federation of Australia in 2001
> - Bicentenary of Mexico's Independence in 2010