Historical story

What happened at wounded knee creek?

What Happened at Wounded Knee Creek?

- December 29, 1890:

- The 7th Cavalry Regiment pursues Big Foot's band of Lakota Sioux fleeing the Pine Ridge Reservation.

- December 30, 1890:

- Big Foot's band is intercepted at Wounded Knee Creek, South Dakota, and forced to make camp.

- December 31, 1890:

- After negotiating with the Sioux to disarm, gunfire erupts suddenly.

- The 7th Cavalry opens fire on Big Foot's people.

- An estimated 150-300 Lakota Sioux are killed, including women, children, and elders.

Aftermath of Wounded Knee Creek Massacre:

- The Wounded Knee Massacre was a turning point in the American Indian Wars.

- The event resulted in increased resentment and tensions between Native American tribes and the U.S. government.

- It became a symbol of the forced assimilation and brutal repression of Native American people.