We all know frankfurters and many of us, at least from time to time, eat them, but you know who invented them and why they are called that ?
The term is of Viennese origin and in Italy we use it in reference to that particular type of sausage used, so to speak, to stuff sandwiches which, in turn, we call hot dog.
Although few people know, a prototype of this particular soft, spiced and boiled sausage was invented in Frankfurt, in Germany, as early as the thirteenth century, but only in the second half of the nineteenth century was it marketed and spread among the population, who called it Frankfurter Wurstchen.
The word wurstel, the one we use in our country refers to a Viennese variant.
Dating back to the late nineteenth century, it was born from the imagination and culinary skill of the German butcher residing in the Habsburg capital Johann Georg Lahner.
By mixing minced pork and beef with the addition of spices, man invented the frankfurter as we all know it.
The tasty flavor and the low cost have made this food very popular, but it certainly cannot be considered as genuine.
It is no coincidence that the frankfurter rightfully belongs to what we call junk food , “Junk food” ( Photo gives: dalmassimogoloso.com).