Poison was one of the most used weapons in the Renaissance to get rid of enemies
In the '500 , in all European courts, the "fashion" of the taster spread, an expedient that was to serve to escape any attempts at poisoning.
We know how successful poison was in the Renaissance, used as a weapon of choice to get rid of enemies or anyone who was an obstacle to their aims.
The countermeasures were therefore necessary.
But what did a taster actually do?
He had the thankless task of being the first to eat and / or drink a dish and / or a drink intended for a high-ranking person, often a politician.
If he did not die of poisoning or did not feel ill, it meant that the food and / or drink was not contaminated.
Certainly not an enviable position.
After all, in the sixteenth century a real psychosis was unleashed in Europe regarding the fear of being poisoned, but this was not the only time when tasters were used.
In fact, this custom was already widespread among the Roman emperors, who, before putting anything in their mouths, made the praegustatores, swallow it. always chosen from among the slaves, who obviously could not rebel.
On the use of poison (and not only) in the Renaissance see also:https://www.pilloledistoria.it/10829/storia-moderna/pugnale-o-veleno-come-si-uccideva-nel-rinascimento) (Photo from :https://best5.it/post/veleni-i-piu-discreti-e-micidiali-killer-della-storia/).