Marie Antoinette and Fersen
Marie Antoinette and Fersen did they love each other?
Or was theirs just a deep friendship, cemented by intense mutual respect and esteem?
The real nature of their bond, which certainly was solid and lasting, is destined, for obvious reasons, to remain a mystery.
According to some historians, the queen of France and the count were lovers, for others they were not.
Who is right?
We avoid indulging in judgments that only risk violating privacy of people who lived over two centuries ago and let's just note their own words.
The dense correspondence elapsed between the two is, in this sense, more illuminating than anything else.
On 28 June 1793 , Marie Antoinette wrote:
“Don't be upset about me, nothing will happen to me.
The National Assembly will show leniency.
Farewell, beloved man.
Stay calm if you can.
Take care of yourself, do it for me.
I can no longer write, but nothing in the world could stop me from adoring you to death. ”
Contrary to the optimistic predictions of Marie Antoinette, the situation worsened and on October 16 the former sovereign was guillotined.
Fersen learned the terrible news of her while she was in Brussels in a feverish attempt to save her friend and was dismayed.
In her memoirs he wrote:" Though I was prepared for this and expected it, I was devastated" ( see also
In their last meeting Marie Antoinette, in returning to Fersen a ring that he had previously given her, had also given him a card with a short sentence written on her in Italian: "All to you me guide ” .