Historical story

Caterina di Meo Lippi:was she the mother of Leonardo da Vinci?

Was Leonardo the son of Caterina di Meo Lippi?

Caterina by Meo Lippi she was the mother of Leonardo da Vinci ?


Scholars Martin Kemp believe this , art historian, and Giuseppe Pallanti , researcher, but in reality, over the centuries, the hypotheses on the identity of the mother of the Renaissance genius have been various.

The truth is that Leonardo's private life remains largely obscure, as well as his family origins.

However, we have some certain information.

Certainly Leonardo was the illegitimate son of Piero Da Vinci and a young woman named Caterina, but the latter has never been identified with absolute certainty, although the thesis of Kemp and Pallanti appears quite probable.

Caterina di Meo Lippi, from a very humble social background, would have given birth to the future artist and scientist at the age of 16.

Less plausible is the theory according to which he was the son of a Middle Eastern slave.

For learn more click here:https://www.agi.it/cultura/madre_leonardo_da_vinci_caterina_chi_era-1841227/news/2017-06-05/.