Cosimo de 'Medici, known as "the Elder", portrayed by Pontormo
The birth of Cosimo de 'Medici, known as "the Elder" , lord of Florence and grandfather of Lorenzo the Magnificent , is in some respects shrouded in mystery.
Not only and not so much for the date, whose year, 1389 , it seems to be certain, while the day is indicated by some sources as September 27, by others as April 10, but for the event itself:according to some documents in fact, Cosimo would have seen the light together with a twin who would have been I set the name of Damiano.
The child, again according to what is stated in these ancient papers, died before he was one year old.
To date, the existence of this little Medici has never been ascertained, while that of Cosimo's younger brother, Lorenzo, is certain. six years younger:childhood and adolescence lived in an environment strongly permeated by art and culture, would have left deep and indelible marks on both, but above all on the older one.