Natalie Portman in the role of Anna Bolena in the film "The King's Other Woman"
In the film 2008 The King's Other Woman , the execution by Anna Bolena , played by a talented Natalie Portman, it is told in a slightly different way than in fiction tv The Tudors (https://www.pilloledistoria.it/8351/storia-moderna/cluding-ed-execution-di-anna-bolena-in-un-film-tv-con-video), where the ex queen appears firm and calm until the end.
In this film the attitude of the woman is that of a person (rightly) frightened, who with difficulty pronounces her last words in front of the crowd that has come to enjoy the "show" and visibly hopeful in a grace that will never come.
You can see it for yourself in the video which I posted below (taken from youtube.com), where there is also a magnificent Scarlett Johanson in the role of Mary, Anna's sister.
PS The film, based on the novel of the same name, is not strictly historical and responds to the truth of the facts.
In reality, the two sisters had not seen each other for years and Mary did not witness Anna's beheading.