A woman of the seventeenth century. In the manuals of the time there were also tips for returning "virgins"
Some ancient manuals of female beauty reserve curious surprises in terms of tips and advice:not only creams and concoctions to be more attractive, but even remedies to regain lost virginity .
A particular recipe in this sense, complete with instructions for safe and correct use, it is found in the book "Secrets nobles of the art of perfuming “, A cosmetic treatise Venetian dating back to 1678 , in which, behind the words “ Ad astringendum vulva” , we find the following description:"" Alabaster ointment of pistic nard brought by the Romans from Jerusalem, good for all ills and also as a remedy for the disease of the matrix for women, which Mary Magdalene used in her day " .
In practice, using this preparation you returned to a virgin ... for a while.