Portrait of the Emperor Charlemagne. The monarch had an exceptional physique
The Emperor Charlemagne , according to the chronicles of the time, he had an extraordinary physique, quite common at that time (https://www.pilloledistoria.it/1490/medioevo/laltissimo-carlo-magno).
A detailed portrait of the monarch is provided by the noble Eginardo, pupil of Alcuin of York , In his famous work Vita et gesta Caroli Magni, also known as Vita Caroli , in which we find the following written:
"He had a broad and robust body, tall stature, but nevertheless not disproportionate, a round crown, very large and lively eyes, a nose a little longer than normal, a beautiful white hair, a pleasant face and jovial, which gave him a very authoritative and dignified appearance both when he was standing and when he was sitting.
Although his neck might have looked fat and too short, and his belly somewhat prominent, yet the proportionately corresponding measurements of the other limbs did not point out those defects.
he had a steady pace and the whole attitude of the manly body, his voice was clear, but the least suited to his physical appearance ".
The biography was composed with a clear celebratory intent, but we have no reason to think that it does not give us a true human and physical portrait of the protagonist.