Piero de Medici, father of Lorenzo the Magnificent, known as “Il Gottoso”
The gout it is a disease that afflicted many illustrious personalities of the past.
Among others, Henry VIII suffered , the Medici ( see https://www.pilloledistoria.it/9738/storia-moderna/perche-piero-de-medici-detto-gottoso), Louis XIV ( see https://www.pilloledistoria.it/9610/storia-moderna/luigi-xiv-vino-aromatizzato-cicare-la-gamba-del-re) and perhaps Christopher Columbus ( see https://www.pilloledistoria.it/8890/storia-moderna/gotta-poliartrite-reumatoide-cosa-soffriva-cristoforo-colombo).
It is an acute inflammatory form affecting the joints, especially the legs and arms, causing pain, discomfort, redness and swelling.
Movement becomes very difficult and the quality of life suffers significantly.
The cause is due to the accumulation of uric acid in the tissues, a condition that mainly stems from a certain genetic predisposition and an inadequate lifestyle.
In past centuries, when a real dietary education did not exist, fatty foods were often brought to the table. alcohol and meat, especially of game, that is, those most responsible for the accumulation of uric acid in the body.
For this reason, gout was considered the “disease of kings and the rich” , the only ones who can afford such expensive food.
The poor, out of necessity, limited themselves to more frugal, but certainly healthier meals.