Recently, President Trump declared that the US will not help Kurds, because they (the Kurds) did not help the US against the Nazis during World War II and the Normandy landings.
Let's pretend for a moment that, between "Kurdistan" and Normandy, there aren't hundreds and hundreds of kilometers, and let's also pretend that, between Normandy (northern France) and Kurdistan (Middle East) there are not Greece, the Balkans, Austria, Germany or what was the Third Reich during the Second World War and let's just dwell (so to speak) on the second world war.
In this (world) conflict that was not fought only in Europe, but also in Asia, Africa, America and Oceania, the Kurds were obviously not present everywhere, in every war theater, also because at the time they were little more than nomadic tribes , with some horses, some camels and some remnants of war dating back to the First World War, and precisely for this reason, their participation in the war must be limited to the only region in which they could move, or that imaginary state shared between Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran called Kurdistan, the region that had this name when it was part of the Ottoman Empire and which was subsequently dismembered (betraying the promise of independence made by the French and British during the Great War) and divided between the naonate nations / protectorates born from the ashes of the Ottoman Empire and subject to the indirect control of France and the United Kingdom.
Despite this, during the Second World War, the Kurds took up arms again and fought alongside the allies (even before they took the name of the United Nations) against the Nazis. In this second phase of the great war of the twentieth century, better known as World War II, it must be said that Turkey, and therefore all the populations that were within the Turkish borders, including Kurds, were symbolically on the side of the allies, practically they were neutral and indeed , there are also some cases of collaboration between Turkey and the third reich, especially in the westernmost part of the country, however, let's pretend that Turkey was really neutral and therefore, let's say the Turkish Kurds are out of the game.
The Syrian Kurds, the Iraquen Kurds and the Iranian Kurds remain in the equation, which instead, as we will see in this post, have worked hard against the Nazis.
Let me make a premise, those Kurds who fought in the Second World War, are the grandparents and great-grandparents of the current Kurds and therefore say that "they did not help us" ehm, eh? What? it's a great bullshit, if we think in these terms then not even Trump, who is now the president of the USA, helped, since he was born in 1946, when the war was over. But in any case, let's pretend that, events over seventy years ago, involving the generation of our fathers in the best of cases, at worst that of our great-grandparents, may have some direct link, of cause and effect, in today's events. / P>
The question we must ask ourselves is:
Is it true that the Kurds did not help their allies in World War II?
The answer to this question is NO.
The Kurds helped, and they took it into their hearts… as it had already happened in the First World War.
(I think that they are balls then, since they promptly helped the " us "Westerners who, in times of need," we "Promised autonomy and independence, and then the war is over" here we are "Take it all back.
Any reference to France, the UK, Russia, and the US is purely intended.
In 1936 Syria and Lebanon were "protectorates" French and as such, enjoyed a certain autonomy, at least as regards domestic politics (foreign policy no, foreign policy depended on Paris) , these protectorates had been created on the ashes of the Ottoman Empire, in a process of territorial distribution between the victors of the war, which had seen a partial fulfillment of the promises made by France and the United Kingdom to the Middle Eastern allies, thus giving some tribes (and to the detriment of other tribes) no more or less autonomous state in which to live, and, within the borders of these states, territories and regions inhabited by other populations had been incorporated, and, one of the populations that had seen its region dismembered, to see it then incorporate into other state realities were precisely the Kurds, whose region of origin was incorporated into Syria, Iraq and Iran.
With the fall of Paris in 1940 and its annexation, let's call it that , of France to the Third Reich, with the establishment of the Vichy government, these autonomous regions became decidedly less autonomous, and ever closer, if not bent, to the German will. In a nutshell, Syria and Lebanon, once autonomous French protectorates, have become Middle Eastern outposts of the third reich since 1940.
At the same time, Germany was trying to take control, indirectly, also of Iraq and Iran, British protectorates, and to do so, as early as 1939, Germany had supported a series of uprisings, armed local militias of nationalistic groups. anti-Semitic and financed an attempted coup in Iraq.
The coup in Iraq initially led to the overthrow of the pro-brigtannic Iraqi regent 'Abd al-Ilah and his prime minister Nuri al-Said, replacing them, Rashid Ali al-Gaylani as the new prime minister of the new government. pro-German time. The coup d'etat in Iraq opens a parenthesis that lasted about forty days and is known as the "quarter of a gold".
The government of the quarter gold was not easy, and the transition was not peaceful, on the contrary, the insurrections continued, the fighting continued and the " pro-British Iraqis "Loyal to the legitimate king, armed by the British and with the help of the numerous indigenous tribes (including the Kurds) managed to take the country back from axis control and bring it back to the side of the " allies “.
This failed coup, thanks also and above all to the role played by local tribes armed by the British, is more than enough to tell us that Trump's assertion is not at all true, namely that the Kurds did not help their allies in World War II. But, given that at this moment the Barbarossa operation had not yet taken place and that these events precede the Tehran conference by at least two years, they are probably not relevant for Trump, also because let's face it, in this matter, the USA does not intervened.
Let's go back to Syria, we have seen that after 1940 it passed under the control of Vichy and the Third Reich, again in 1941, the " allies ", Once again the British, with what remained of the French militias who had decided not to bow to Germany, but also British India and Australia, gave support to the indigenous tribes of northern Syria, from which, between June and in July 1941, the offensive towards Damascus and the consequent occupation of the region started.
The clashes between the tribes armed by the allies and the government forces armed by the axis resulted, once again, in a " allied victory "But, also this time, evidently, the fact that the US was not involved in the discounts and that these took place before the Tehran conference, evidently for Trump is to be considered an irrelevant or in any case insignificant story, after all, what do you want both the liberation of the Middle East from the Nazi-Fascist presence.
The Turkish Kurds remain in the equation, but as already mentioned, on paper, Turkey was an ally of the allies, and the Iranian Kurds.
So let's see how the Kurds behaved in Iran.
In Iran, as in Iraq and Syria, there is always fighting in 1941 and, as happened in Syria and Iraq, also in Iran, the allies (always the British), fought with the help of the indigenous tribes, and as happened in Syria and Iraq, they were right about the pro-German and anti-Semitic nationalist militias in the region.
Very briefly then, every time there was a fight in "Kurdistan", during the Second World War, the Kurds took up the arms and uniforms of the allies, they fought alongside the British against the Nazis and tribes armed by the Nazis, they opened fire, risking and sacrificing their lives to fight the third reich.
The Kurds, and I quote them to name all the indigenous tribes who fought against the third reich, played a decisive role in the region, ensuring the allies an otherwise impossible victory, and to say that, the Kurds did not help the allies during World War II, because they didn't land in Normandy is a lie as big as America.
A colossal lie, called (in my opinion) by Trump, knowing he is lying, ignoring History (and even a bit of geography) in order not to admit that the US has bowed to the Russian will and that the American Empire is no longer the guarantor of global order and security, a role that the US had claimed for itself, after the Cold War, by making a note of suns, the sheriff's star on the chest.