Its official name, the Institute of Intelligence and Special Tasks, does not arouse terror. It is enough, however, that we shorten it to one word Mossad, and the imagination begins to work. We present to you 7 proofs that there is something to be afraid of.
As always, all TOP10 items are based on the articles we publish. This time, materials about the Israeli secret services were added to the wallpaper, heating the imagination to red.
1. The Israeli services are not forgiving
Even before the state of Israel was formally declared independent, its secret services were in full swing . In February 1948, hearing that the Syrians wanted to strengthen their combat potential by buying weapons in Czech factories, the Jews stepped into action. The weapon was to arrive on the Lino steamer.

Members of the elite Palmach squad were assigned to sink the steamship "Lino".
Israeli agents started sinking the unit with the explosive charge several times . And they didn't give up until the task was finished. They tracked down a steamer that had hidden in a small Italian harbor due to bad weather and sunk it, disguised as Americans. When the Syrians recovered its cargo from the seabed, the Israelis hijacked the ship carrying the weapons and sunk again (read more on this) .
2. Israel's agents can even steal a warship…
In the 1960s, Israel's situation was complicated, to say the least. The state, troubled by various conflicts, urgently needed to strengthen its fleet. The choice fell on France and the units built in the local shipyards. The problem arose after the Israeli commandos raid to the airport in Beirut - the indignant French decided to suspend the execution of the order, even though the units were actually ready.

Saar rocket boat 3. Effective response to the Arab threat (photo:public domain).
The Jews were not going to play in discussions on the international arena, let alone ask the French to change their minds. They just decided to fool them. Thanks to the fraud, they led two missile boats out of the port , however, they did not intend to stop there. They decided that they would take over the rest of their ships at any cost and carried out the plan on Christmas Eve itself. They counted on the festive relaxation of the French and they were right. When the information about what had happened finally reached the local defense minister, he was outraged and seriously wanted to sink these ships! (read more about this) .
3. They are chasing the Nazis to the end
While Israel has a lot of current problems, it does not accuse of prosecuting Nazi criminals responsible for the Holocaust. That is why Mossad agents managed to track down Adolf Eichman who was hiding and living in a quiet retirement years later .

Adolf Eichman (photo:public domain).
The agents would not have reached the criminal if not for his too arrogant and talkative son, who boasted about his father's "achievements" in front of his girlfriend's family. After that, things turned out swiftly… (read more about it) .
4. Mossad agents have an iron psyche
When the Mossad finally caught up with Adolf Eichman, a new problem arose. It was necessary to hide the abducted prisoner and ensure that none of the Israeli agents killed the Nazi criminal. In the end, each of them lost loved ones during World War II and might have wanted to pursue a private vendetta.

Judges in the Eichmann trial (photo:Israel Government Press Office).
Meanwhile, instead of torturing the prisoner, Mossad agents treated him ... with surprisingly kind favor. They not only washed him, fed him, and shaved him. They even offered him red wine and cigarettes, although in their mind they probably crushed his skull while doing so on the nearest wall. They kept their iron nerves only for Eichman to sign a declaration that he had put himself in their hands voluntarily! (read more about this) .
5. Israeli agents have the rabbi's permission to seduce the enemy
Through the bed and with the help of their own charms - this is how women have been obtaining information since the dawn of time. A way as old as the world, and at the same time consistently effective. Israeli agents, following the example of the biblical Dalila, can apply it and use it successfully in their work.

Playing with the enemy for the glory of the motherland? Israelis are allowed!
There would be nothing strange about it, if not for one small detail. One eminent expert on Jewish law officially stated that this is a fully religiously sanctioned method provided country security is at stake (read more about this) .
6. The Jewish secret services have a squadron of assassins
Yes, this is not a mistake. "Kidon", meaning bayonet in Hebrew, has one task - to physically eliminate Israel's enemies . The killers took action after the massacre of athletes at the Munich Olympics in 1972.

Mossad killers are certainly undergoing training in krav Maga (photo:Israel Defense Forces, public domain).
The operation of Kidon, which has been working continuously since those events, is shrouded in mystery. From time to time, only information about the next successful actions of its members comes to light. One of them even had its Warsaw chapter. (read more about it) .
7. The Mossad's retaliation is bloody. Very bloody
One of the consequences of the attack on Israeli athletes in Munich, in addition to the creation of the Kidon, was retaliation against the leaders of the organization responsible for the attack. The members of Czarny September, which was behind everything, became game for the Jewish special services.

Coffins of Israeli sportsmen, victims of the Munich massacre. The Mossad had to avenge them. (Photo:Public Domain)
The operation to ruthlessly track down and kill the people of this Palestinian terrorist network was code-named "Wrath of God." As part of it, Israeli commandos even ventured into Lebanon, where killed the leaders of Black September and wiped out the headquarters of the People's Front for the Liberation of Palestine . Their spectacular raid on the territory of a hostile country, involving the precise elimination of many people, the destruction of the Front headquarters and the retreat lasted only half an hour! (read more about this) .
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