a href ="http://ciekawostkihistoryczne.pl/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/freud-srogie-spojrzenie.jpg"> The office of the father of psychoanalysis. Comfortable couch. Ancient figurines on the desk. Dr. Freud is reclining in an armchair and a patient on a couch. Full of obsessions, fears, terrified of bizarre dreams. We invite you to the gallery of peculiarities, that is the most interesting docto patients
The literature describes many cases that Sigmund Freud encountered in his psychoanalytical practice. Each of them is interesting in its own way. We present a completely subjective choice. The following cases surprised us, disgusted us the most, or made us laugh.
Uncle cleaning up
Freud once had an extremely interesting patient. He was a tall, stout, confident, unmarried man of forty-two (quote from Irving Stone's book, "Latent Passions"). This gentleman had a very troublesome problem, which was an obsession with cleanliness.

That bud is about to bloom ... The woman of dreams - at least according to the perverted Uncle Purgatory.
The thought of dirt and bacteria measured him. He cleaned up furiously. Ba! He was also in the habit of washing and ironing bills he used, including those with which he paid his doctor's fees. After prolonged treatment, however, Freud lost this patient, which had to do with his other problem.
Well, this man was looking for "something more." So far, he has not found a life companion, did not get involved in fleeting romances and avoided Viennese ladies of light manners (the latter can be explained by his mania for cleanliness, after all, he would not be their only client). He preferred girls instead. Not a few years old, but those entering puberty, whose body was beginning to change slightly. Twelve or thirteen-year-olds. Today we would call him briefly - pedophile.
He had the sinister habit of becoming a trusted friend of the houses where such girls lived. After some time, he suggested taking such a young lady on a picnic outside the city. And by complete coincidence he did not have time to come back with her on the last train. Also, "by a twist of fate", they stayed in a guesthouse (chosen in advance), where there was absolutely the last room with ... a double bed. The man ate dinner with the girl and then slept with her.

Dr. Frued's couch. This is where pedophiles, nymphomaniacs, would-be suicides and hideous fetishists ended up ... (Photo:University of Iowa).
Of course, it would be fine if they just slept side by side, forced by the circumstances. Instead, the "uncle" slowly approached the girl, then slipped her finger into an intimate place, and he masturbated himself.
Freud decided to provoke the man, using his first obsession for this purpose. He directly asked Aren't you afraid to put a dirty finger in your vagina when you have a phobia of germs? (quoted after:I. Stone, "Latent Passions") Such calumny was unacceptable for a man. Outraged, he ran out of the office, shouting that he would never put a dirty finger in there!

This article was inspired by the novel "Freud's Lover" by Karen Mack and Jennifer Kaufman.
He left Freud, in the quiet of his office, wondering what childhood sexual trauma led the patient to such behavior ...
Beloved feet
Freud once met a woman who was passionate about buying shoes. Many shoe lovers look at the screen with pity at this point. It's okay to buy beautiful boots or pretty high heels! And how much it improves the mood ... Let's not deny it, but everything in moderation. Freud's patient loved her feet, and since we usually care for what we love, she looked after her feet obsessively. She massaged them for hours, rubbed them with creams and did new pedicures. This did not hurt her family exceptionally much, maybe it only led to the neglect of the duties of the housewife and mother and made her feel as unbalanced.
Her even compulsive buying of shoes was more of a problem. This is what drove her husband to seek help from Freud. A woman was able to buy a dozen pairs of shoes of various colors and styles in one day, even though she already had hundreds of them at home. Literally hundreds of pairs of shoes.

Shoes, boots and more shoes ... Some people only dream about it.
According to the father of psychoanalysis, the fetishism of a woman about her own feet translated into buying shoes as decorations for the object of his fascination. Freud saw the sources of this - nomen omen - deviation in the patient's early memories, to which she returned during therapy sessions. Well, as a little girl, she was absolutely convinced that her penis would grow like her little brother. When she realized that none of it, she transferred her feeling from an imaginary penis to a part of her body that she actually owned, which were the feet.
Making the patient aware of the reasons for her fetish (reasons that sound completely ridiculous today!) Brought only half effect in therapy. The woman continued to care for her feet obsessively, but gave up buying ridiculous amounts of shoes.
Brotherly love
When Freud entered the waiting room of his office, he found the boy in it. The patient tried to commit suicide, but had no way of explaining why. Also, his parents could not find a reason for his taking his life, because before he attempted suicide, he was completely normal and did not differ from his peers in any way.
After some time, Freud found the cause of the boy's behavior. In his opinion, the attempted suicide resulted directly from the fact that the patient's older sister moved out and moved to another city. When she came to visit her family, she was seven months pregnant. This view (after all, the belly is already quite clearly outlined then) was a shock for the boy. He turned on his heel, ran to his room and hit his head. As it turned out, to no avail. Either he was such a terrible shooter that he couldn't point himself properly, or the urge to part with life was too weak.
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Dr. Freud patiently explained to the would-be corpse that his feelings for his sister bore the marks of incestuous desire. He recalled, of course, that incestuous relationships have been prohibited from the earliest times for a reason. At the same time, he pointed out that, in fact, such tendencies are natural at his age, but must be mastered and restrained.

Please tell me about your childhood…
The way to cure the boy was to explain to him the nature of his feelings and desires and ... wait. Freud decided that incestuous inclinations towards his sister would disappear when he grows up and finds another object of sighs. According to the doctor, two months of sessions were supposed to have completely averted the threat of another suicide attempt. Not to mention filling the doctor's pockets.
Torment me, tire me…
Another case was that of a married woman who wanted to be humiliated in her bedroom. The poor husband was supposed to be the truest sadist he had to beat her, call her off the worst, force her legs apart before he brutally possessed her (I. Stone, "Latent Passions"). The woman was absolutely convinced that this was the only way to ensure his faithfulness. Moreover, her erotic fantasy was to invite third parties to view her sexual act. Ideally, there should be many witnesses and they should take pleasure in seeing her love to her husband. When she didn't feel like being whipped and insulted, she felt dizzy.
This case was quite a nuisance for Freud. It was only from the rudimentary statements of the patient that he was able to conclude that her father suffered from such dizziness. However, smoke six dizzy, the woman imagined that her own father was standing among an imaginary audience during her marital sex.

He, she and a lover. Dr. Freud himself was also very confused. Pictured with his wife and her little sister.
It turned out that the patient felt very close to her father and identified with him. An additional factor was that in her early childhood she slept in the same room with her parents. She had heard them more than once at night. And to say that her father dealt with her mother during "marital duties" was a bit of an understatement. Freud recognized that these childish observations were at the root of his patient's masochism. The need to be abused stemmed from the fact that the brutal treatment of the mother brought satisfaction to her father.

But it was inspired by the novel "Freud's Lover" by Karen Mack and Jennifer Kaufman (Literanova Mark, 2014).
Upon realizing the cause of her own curvature, Freud's patient decided that she needed no more treatment. When she was leaving, she only asked the question: Professor, since I am now a normal woman, can I remain faithful to my husband? (quoted after:I. Stone, "Pasje utajone").
Which question cannot be answered today.
More famous
These most famous patients of Sigmund Freud are also extremely curious. A man in whose ailments were still rats, and who came to heal himself under the influence of trauma suffered during military maneuvers. The captain, who was on the same maneuvers, told him about the torture in which a bucket with a rat in its center is turned upside down against the naked buttocks of a soldier. The frightened animal looks for an escape route by biting into the end of the digestive system. The patient obsessively began to think about his relatives being subjected to such punishment.

The man who was haunted by the dream of white wolves perched in a tree across from his bedroom window. The man burdened with family mental illnesses was traumatized by seeing his parents' backward intercourse and their organs during it. This, according to Freud, was to translate into his later mental health problems.
Finally, Elizabeth von R., whose mental problems led to pain in the limbs and difficulty in walking, and from whom Freud made a confession of love for her widowed brother-in-law and of feeling guilty after her father's death.
What can I say? Doctor Zygmunt had an interesting job.