He was such a skilled seducer that his name entered the dictionaries for good. But Casanova was real. And it's high time to check how he did IT.
Had he not written down his memoirs, the names of more than one hundred and twenty of his lovers would have been lost in the darkness of history. Worse, Casanova would take the secrets of seduction with him. But thanks to his "Diaries" we have 10 tips for you on how to pick up women in the style of the greatest lover of all time!
By the way - you can read about Casanova's life and Polish threads of his career by clicking HERE.
1. Highlight your strengths
You're not a classic hunk? It doesn't matter, it's even better! Casanova had some drawbacks too. Apparently he had a "shocking" appearance with a dark olive complexion, a fairly large nose, high forehead, prominent chin, long neck and a distinct Adam's apple.
On the other hand, he was distinguished by high growth, athletic figure and blue eyes, unusual for an Italian. He wore fashion, dressed with taste. And he boasted something that many of his rivals lacked:inexhaustible physical and mental energy. He had an extraordinary memory of poetry and music , he danced wonderfully, spoke French fluently, was interested in mathematics and astronomy.

The specific beauty of Casanova did not prevent him from winning women's hearts. The illustration shows the hero of the article portrayed by his brother Francesco (source:public domain).
He was active by nature, he sometimes played cards for two days without a break, but he also liked to rest - he could sleep day and night. As a result, for many years he looked ten years younger than he really was. What is the conclusion of this? Both the body and the intellect are weapons in the art of seduction.
2. Surround yourself with interesting people
I am proud because I am nothing - he used to say about himself. As the son of a pair of actors, he could not boast of birth or position, and spent most of his life in exile. But seized every opportunity to have interesting company . He used to visit great courts, befriended the powerful, and benefited from their protection. Surely was also helped by the fact of joining the Freemasons - it was an opportunity to meet many interesting characters.

Map of the 18th-century Constantinople. It was here that Casanova broadened his horizons (source:public domain).
Thanks to his travels, he could deign refined company with exotic stories . For example, while in Constantinople, Casanova became friends with the wealthy aristocrat and thinker Josouff Ali, with whom he spent many hours discussing the intricacies of Christianity and Islam. Especially the role of women.
The gentlemen concluded that Christianity overestimates the role of celibacy because either man sins according to nature or becomes a saint against it. Ali liked it so much that he promised Casanova the hand of his beautiful daughter, fifteen-year-old Zelmi, and that he would be his heir if he converted to Islam.
3. Be patient and careful!
Casanova was patient with his courtship and did not give up easily. He wrote:, how charming is this stubbornness of a mistress who only delays moments of pleasure so that they take on flavor ! There were no hopeless things for him. In 1744 in Ancona, for example, he met a beautiful neuter named Bellino. He suspected that she was in fact a woman in disguise, and pretending to be a man was the only way she could perform on stage in the Church State. He sought the soprano singer for a long time, and finally managed to win her.
Patience paid off with a young nun too who, after elaborate treatments, succumbed "in her sleep" to save her honor. He was also not indifferent to the charms of a certain deformed hunchback. Trying out with the latter was difficult because of the build of the girl who, instead of having this interest in the middle, had him a quarter of the height, the remaining three-quarters of the thighs and calves only. Two lovers did not deprive her of her virtue, but the clever Casanova did.
Apart from patience, he was characterized by extraordinary meticulousness in love. He developed his own methods, each case was treated individually , with the utmost care and to the full satisfaction of the other party.
4. Take care of her feelings!
Casanova was amorous, but , contrary to appearances, did not break many hearts . How do we know this? The same names appear through the pages of his "Diaries". Moreover - the passage of time does not make memories of former lovers fade away.
He knew himself well enough that he did not suspect that he wanted to settle down at the altar, and yet he was characterized by a kind of attachment to former loves. Years later, he still fondly remembered his first, completely innocent love, Bettina, in whose bed he had been awake when she contracted smallpox.

Inflating condoms to check their tightness ... Was Casanova really as bad a lover as we think he is? (source:public domain).
Years later, he did not ridicule, mock any of the lovers, and he did not mention them in a malicious way. None of the women he loved or claimed to love and then dumped felt sorry for him. And not only because he almost always managed to find a successor - a lover, fiancée or husband, but because as long as the relationship lasted, Casanova was the perfect partner :gallant, caring, affectionate and most often faithful.
5. You will overcome virtue by the way
Casanova loved all women:both experienced and those who were only yet to be introduced to the arcane of the art of love. He found a foolproof way to get the latter. Years later, he wrote:
I quickly understood that a girl is not seduced by lack of courage, but when she is in the company of a friend, she gives herself up relatively easily: the weakness of one leads to the fall of the other .

Throughout Europe, the upper classes did not shy away from playing at balls. A real paradise for Casanova… (source:public domain).
This method worked for the Countesses Nanetta and Martion Savorgan in Venice and then, many years later, in London, when Casanova seduced the five daughters of a widow from Hanover in turn.
6. Appreciate a beautiful mind in her
Casanova has earned a reputation as an incorrigible womanizer, but one of the greatest sources of his success among the fair sex was that he was able to appreciate the intellectual qualities of ladies . He was not interested in stupid, unread lovers, without interest.
The best proof of this is the story of the romance with the greatest love of his life - married and hiding their relationship from the Henrietta family, played in the British series "Casanova" by Laura Fraser. He wrote about her:
A woman that is beautiful but devoid of mental acuity, gives her lover nothing but to physically enjoy her beauty. Ugly but smart, she can so love a man with her intelligence that he wants nothing more. What should I say, who had Henrietta, beautiful, intelligent, educated?

Casanova has had many women in his life. However, despite this, he managed to truly fall in love (source:public domain).
7. Don't skimp on gifts, but…
Generosity is a great method to win the heart of a loved one, and Casanova did not skimp on gifts for both his lovers and beautiful strangers . Sometimes he was able to give a lady a gift just for the pleasure of seeing her smile.
One day in Paris, he was visiting a jeweler with his then-mistress Baret. He bought her a lot of trinkets. Next to them stood a young girl, only thirteen years old, accompanied by a nanny, examining a pair of expensive earrings.
Casanova bought them quite spontaneously to please her . He did not know, poor fellow, that in four years this young beauty would become his nightmare when they meet again in London.
Another mistress, then fourteen years old, showered with garters, stockings and gloves. The garters are embroidered with: Every day you look at my lady's jewel, demand loyalty from him:Amor likes to mischief . In turn, a certain mayor, who praised his wonderfully smelling pomade at the first meeting, immediately bought twelve jars and ordered it to be sent as a gift, even without a note. He had to wait for her favor before long.
8. … Don't be naive
You do not want to go with bags, giving feelings to a calculating lady who cares only about your money and gifts? Learn from the mistakes of Casanova, who at the age of thirty-eight was vain and confident enough to doubt that there was a coquette capable of bottling him .
During his stay in England in the fall of 1763, Casanova met seventeen-year-old Charpillon, whom he had bought earrings in Paris four years earlier. Wise after the damage, he wrote: Why would I suspect that Charpillon was planning my ruin before she met me!

Even Casanova himself was once trapped in the Famme Fatale trap. In the painting of Salome - the archetype of the seductress (source:public domain).
In the first week of her acquaintance, she had stripped him of four hundred guineas, giving nothing in return. She deceived, promised, stretched on money and gifts, and then let it go . Finally his eyes opened and he shook off the debilitating feeling. He bought a parrot and taught her to say, "Charpillon is a harlot even bigger than her mother," and then sold the bird on the market. Revenge was sweet, but it would be even better to avoid such a mistake.
9. Don't worry about failures
There are bad days for even the best lover. Great Casanova had them too. Once in Genoa he had "it" with a servant named Weronika:they tried twice, the girl consoled him, blaming the failure on the amount of drinks drunk but nothing helped.
B I was in despair - the disappointed lover wrote - no less than she, when she retired from the game, humiliated and angry to tears. She left without a word, leaving me sadly to spend the two or three hours alone until dawn .

Casanova also had his "moments of weakness". However, the situation quickly returned to normal. Pictured is a painting by Théodore Géricault (source:public domain).
Casanova, on the other hand, was tireless in his amorous struggle. During an affair with a nun, gave her the most real evidence of enthusiasm and affection for the entire seven hours. and then, after ten hours of sleep, he was ready for the next struggle.
As a natural support, he would sometimes eat chicken eggs raw before a tryst, but this was usually unnecessary. He once tried thirty-five sex positions with his own modifications in one night and the same amount improvised.
10. Make her feel safe
Duke de Ligne wrote about him a great man, a real Hercules - and this at the end of Casanova's life, when the years of splendor and conquests were long behind him. The women felt safe in his strong arms.

Villa Ludovisi area in Rome in the painting by Ettore Franz. This is where Casanova counted his love conquests (source:public domain).
Often he didn't even have to do anything. Like when one of the first and most important ladies in Casanova's heart, panickedly afraid of reptiles, Lucrezia , she spent romantic moments with him at Villa Ludovisi in Rome. While they were frolicking among the trees, they noticed a snake nearby. Licorice did not scream and did not pass out. She looked at her lover and said:
Look my heart, didn't I tell you? Yes, our guardian spirits are watching over us! Look at his gaze! He's trying to make us feel safe. Look at this little demon - nature knows nothing more mystical. Admit it, it's your guardian spirit or mine . I'm sure he only took the form of a serpent.
In Casanova's embrace, women forgot even their greatest phobias . Is it his mesmerizing personality or the consistent use of certain methods? Or is it just a myth that he has built around himself?