Historical story

Historical lifehacks. 10 shocking tips from years ago

You have no idea how to trash? Are you looking for advice on how to deal with a small child? Or maybe you dream of making an astronomical fortune? Whatever problem is bothering you, you've come to the right place - here you will find ready and tested solutions from centuries ago. Just be careful, they will make your hair bristle!

As always, all TOP10 items are based on the articles we publish. We have collected helpful tips in one place, both dedicated to women and men. You can find more similar content HERE.

So what should you do if…


Don't know what to buy for a close woman for Christmas? In pre-war Poland, the press would help you. According to Krakow's Światowid from 1927, natural fur, preferably fox, was a great idea. Three years later, the same newspaper advised to buy a set of travel accessories, of course made of crocodile skin (read more about this).


Do you want to be famous and indulge your addiction with impunity? Wallace Reid, an actor from the golden years of Hollywood, would prove to you that you can not only avoid an image flop, but also gain fans thanks to the free use of heroin. However, you must first convince everyone that it was actually your bad colleagues who got you addicted. And that you fight him all the time ... even if you don't (read more about this).


You've just been sent to Siberia and don't know how to survive? You should acquire specific skills that can be converted into money or food. One way girls expelled during WWII would advise you to make bricks out of cow dung. Another - putting clay stoves. But don't expect a better reward than a bowl of soup (read more on that).


Don't know how to make a gigantic fortune? 1970s Miami gangsters would have one simple piece of advice for you - drug trafficking. However, this is not an easy way and requires a lot of cleverness. You had to have a few contingency plans up your sleeve at all times. A fishing trip was usually just an excuse to discreetly observe the interests of the competition ... (read more about this).


Are you a sniper? German soldiers fighting on the Eastern Front would advise you to… try to provoke him. It's best to throw a tin can filled with rubbish at him and watch where the arrows are coming from for that "moving target". Then, eliminating the targeted sniper shouldn't be a problem (read more about it).


Have you decided to break off your engagement and don't know how to announce it? According to nineteenth-century gentlemen, you shouldn't tell your fiancee in the face to avoid scenes. It's best to write a long letter to her explaining the reasons for this decision. It must be emphasized that she was wonderful and you did not deserve her to suffer as little as possible. Of course, the engagement ring must also be returned ... (read more about this).


Are you in an advanced state of pregnancy and do not know how to prepare for childbirth? You can learn about it, among others from "Hortus sanitatis, On herbs and their power" by Stefan Falimirz from 1534. The author of this herbarium advised to avoid cold, sour and bitter meals in the last days of pregnancy. On the other hand, "secret places" had to be lubricated with a mixture of aromatic oils and chicken, duck and goose fats (read more on this topic).


Your husband is cheating on you and you have no idea how to react? A nineteenth-century lady would advise you not to let your suitcases out of his door or make a fuss. A public scandal could only harm his wife. Instead, you should pretend nothing happened and cover it up as much as possible. And it's best to make friends with his mistress ... (read more about it).


You've just become a mom and your baby has smallpox? Several hundred years ago, medics would have told you to keep your baby in a spacious, bright room, not too warm, but without drafts. By default, they would order the baby to be cupped and bleed. And for a fever, they would recommend that the little one drink a mixture of spirit, sulfur, fiber syrup and copper sulfate (read more on this topic).


You have no idea how to smuggle several dozen kilograms of meat and meat products? Our grandparents from the times of the German occupation would have a reliable method for you - "dead man". It was enough to put the goods in the coffin and arrange the relevant documents. Soldiers controlling cars of funeral homes did not look under the lid, fearing infectious diseases. And that was just one of a whole host of amazing smuggling methods ... (read more about it).