"The ordering of the active combat section", that is, conducting subversive and sabotage actions in the Home Army, was also done by women - incl. Wanda Gertz "Lena", organizer and commander of the Home Army Division "Disk" (Dywersja and Sabotaż Women). The Kedyvian women and men shared the dangers and hardships. And just like them, they carried out death sentences on traitors of the motherland in cold blood.
It was a weekday in July. As befits this time of year, even though it was already close to 5 p.m., the sun was still high, and it made no impression that it would soon begin its descending journey through the heavens. Its brilliance was striking with its intensity precisely in this place, where bright rays collided with the color-related field of almost ripe corn.

"The organization of the active combat section", i.e. the conduct of subversive and sabotage actions, was also carried out by women in the Home Army.
Its ears tilted upwards, as if each wanted to surpass the others with its height. They did not lean in any direction, they did not hum nostalgically, hence it should be concluded that the day was windless. The sounds of the city could be heard in the distance. Car horns, some calls, but most of all the screeching of trams stopping at stops, reminiscent of the ear-piercing sound of a knife scratching a plate.
The discomfort for the ear was rewarded with a resonant, somehow joyful sound of the bell announcing departure, i.e. a movement towards something that always gave hope.
Nervous waiting
Here, among the ears of grains bursting with excess grains, a model farm, AGRiL (Agricultural and Forestry Administration) located in Rakowiec, boasted an impressive harvest every year. At this point, the hustle and bustle of the city seemed so distant that it was unreal.
"Lena" and "Margerita" had been huddled, crouching, sitting in the crop for almost half an hour. The idyllic surroundings made their thoughts wander around the joyful recesses of the past, especially that related to summer trips to the countryside. Every now and then one of them carefully straightened up to look at "Janka" standing at the nearest stop, because she was entrusted with the initial interview and observation of the convict . She was the one who knew best what the person they were waiting for looked like.

Wanda Gertz "Lena" - organizer of the women's sabotage division of the Home Army "Disk"
She was to confirm her identity with a fixed signal. Nothing has happened so far. They looked at their watches, then at each other eloquently. - Maybe she didn't go to work today? Margerita whispered. - Relax, on the way home from work you can do various things, for example do shopping - “Lena” calmed down, although her serious, long face, marked with clearly protruding cheekbones and a prominent nose, and crowned with smoothly combed jet black hair, showed tension.
A loud rustle of grains spreading or pinched under some weight made them freeze. Literally a moment earlier, "Janka" did not give any signs, could it be ...? This time "Lena" silently rose up to check what was happening at the stop. - Nothing She whispered, and then a large forest pigeon flew out from about ten meters away. They breathed, almost bursting out laughing under the circumstances.
Akowski judgment
Relief could not conceal vigilance. When this time "Margerita" looked above the grain, she saw that a woman was walking towards them, and "Janka", following her at the right distance, took off her coat and shook her head at her. - He's going!
"Lena" touched the revolver in her pocket. She stroked it lightly, as if unable to check anything in this situation, she wanted to ensure its reliability in this way. In one graceful movement she jumped onto a path trodden in the grain, probably due to people shortening their way from the stop, and faced the approaching informant. When she was very close, with a slightly trembling voice began to pronounce the sentence of the Home Army sentence:"On behalf of the Polish Underground State, you are sentenced to death for ..." .

The text is an excerpt from the book by Agnieszka Lewandowska-Kąkol "Where the devil could not ... Kedywianki in action", which has just been released by the Bellona publishing house.
She broke off just as the terrified woman began to look through her eyes for an escape route. She fired. The shot was accurate. Now “Lena” walked slowly around the body and along the same path that the dead man had just followed, she went towards the bus stop. She got on a tram that was just starting to move.
Home Army enforcer
It was the first action for the members of "Disku" and all women operating in Kedywie to eliminate Gestapo agents and informers, and therefore, fearing for its result, dependent not so much on organizational and physical fitness, but on mental resilience, management of the Warsaw District The Home Army Headquarters also sent a male insurer there.
In this case, however, his role was only observation, because "Lena" coped perfectly. She immediately undertook this task, realizing that for her subordinates it could turn out to be a traumatic experience. She organized a "Disk" and, as the head of it, cared for her subordinates like a caring hen for any chickens that hatch.
She was seemingly dry, essential, completely devoted to the idea of the fight, she gave the impression that apart from its results, nothing mattered to her, but the safety and well-being of the women she commanded above all else in her moral code.

Plaques commemorating Major Wanda Gertz and the soldiers of the Disc Division on the wall of the Church of John of God at ul. Bonifraterska 12 in Warsaw
Uncompromisingness and consistency in applying the adopted rules of conduct seemed to flow in the commandant's bloodstream. Her decisions were often opposed although it did not find any outlet in the conditions of combat, it was sometimes remembered for the rest of its life. This was the case of "Marta", who on August 1, on the day of the uprising outbreak, unable to reach the Telefunken factory on Mireckiego Street, the place of concentration of the branch, started working as a liaison officer of the Government Delegation for Poland. Some time later, when transferring the report to Wola, on the way she stopped at the Telefunken factory and wanted very much to return to her mother unit.
However, "Lena" categorically objected to this, arguing that it would be disloyal to the people with whom she had already started working. She also accused "Iga" of trying to desert her, who wanted to get into the male units because she dreamed of a panzer platoon. Eventually she joined him, but the platoon withdrew from Wola then and lost all tanks. Earlier, however, she had to atone for her behavior when she was locked up in a "goat" for twenty-four hours.
Commandant for special tasks
"Renia", cooperating with the "Parasol" battalion in the surveillance of particularly cruel criminals, also had a dispute with the commandant. Envying some of her friends from participating in the fights, she wanted to leave "Disk" to join them.
Our situation, and the uprising in general, is very bad now and I absolutely do not allow this step - heard the categorical objection of "Lena". "Reni" it seemed that the supervisor was driven not by the discernment of the situation, but by the excessive pessimism characteristic of the people of her generation so she resorted to the method of "for tears". But it did not bring the permission expected by the girl, but only a short order:- Join the makers of incendiary bottles!

Knowing that she is the most experienced member of "Disku", both in terms of experience in combat and in command, she felt a burden of responsibility for women, sometimes even young girls, for whom it was the first contact with the reality of war.
Such decisions did not win "Lena" sympathy, but the female soldiers, who knew her better, were well aware that they were under the best possible, almost maternal, care under the circumstances.
Few of the actions in which the commandant physically participated were documented as she mainly prepared them and then distributed tasks among her subordinates . However, when it appeared on the front line, and it certainly happened more often than can be deduced from the documents, the action must have been so difficult, sometimes it even seemed impossible, that she did not want to risk the lives of her subordinates.
Knowing that she is the most experienced member of "Disku", both in terms of experience in combat and in command, she felt a burden of responsibility for women, sometimes even young girls, for whom it was the first contact with the reality of war.
The text is an excerpt from the book by Agnieszka Lewandowska-Kąkol "Where the devil could not ... Kedywianki in action", which has just been released by the Bellona publishing house.