2. His comment had a barb of truth to it.
3. The comedian's jokes were full of barbs.
2. His comment had a barb of truth to it.
3. The comedian's jokes were full of barbs.
Question 01 - FMABC 2015 - The Mexican Revolution, which took place between 1910 and 1917, a) ended with the overthrow of Francisco Madero and the call for free elections at all levels. b) established a socialist dictatorship in the country, led by Emiliano Zapata, which lasted until the end of the
question 1 (Uespi 2012) Muhammads preaching did not please politically important groups in Arab society. His conceptions and beliefs a) they adopted monotheism and had relations with Christianity, achieving adherence of many who visited Mecca. b) they were elitist, without concern for the poverty si
question 1 (Mackenzie) Regarding the US involvement in the First World War, it is INCORRECT to state that: a) was influenced by the Germanic intention to attract Mexico, promising it help in the reconquest of territories lost to the USA. b) the US directly financed the French-English arms industry a
Question 01 - VUNESP - 2014 - PM-SP - The economy is doing well, but the people are doing poorly.(Visão Magazine, page 47, 1974) The phrase uttered, according to sources at the time, by then president Emílio Garrastazu Médici, referred to (A) the coming of North American multinationals to the cou