* The Roman Kingdom (753-509 BC)
* The Roman Republic (509-27 BC)
* The Roman Empire (27 BC-476 AD)
* The Western Roman Empire (395-476 AD)
* The Eastern Roman Empire (395-1453 AD), also known as the Byzantine Empire
* The Roman Kingdom (753-509 BC)
* The Roman Republic (509-27 BC)
* The Roman Empire (27 BC-476 AD)
* The Western Roman Empire (395-476 AD)
* The Eastern Roman Empire (395-1453 AD), also known as the Byzantine Empire
question 1 (Fatec-SP) The dissolution of feudalism was hastened, at the end of the Middle Ages, by a succession of events that generated the so-called “crisis of the 14th century”. Among these events, it is correct to cite: Epidemics, such as the Black Death, originated mainly from the lack of str
Question 01 - SEDUC - CE - 2016 - SEDUC-CE - Professor - History - Read the text below. The period between 1968 and 1973 is known as the “miracle” phase when, under the military regime, the growth of the Brazilian economy showed an extraordinary acceleration, with an average expansion of 11% per ye
question 1 (UFV-MG) The formation of the National States of Western Europe, during the Modern Period (15th to 18th centuries), although it followed its own dynamics in each country, presented similarities in its constitution process. About these similarities is incorrect affirm: politically, the e
question 1 (Unicentro) “For the historian, all events, even remote ones, have actuality and life. But this is even more true in the case of the French Revolution of 1789, which transformed the way of life even for those who knew little or know about it, until today. It will not be an exaggeration to