History quiz

Exercises on Jacobinism and Political Action

question 1

The political-revolutionary actions carried out by the Jacobins during the 1790s, in the context of the French Revolution, had a wide impact in other regions of the world. In the Brazilian case, it is possible to say that this impact could be seen:

a) in the Revolution of 1930.

b) in the Tailors' Revolt.

c) in Dutch Brazil.

d) in the Confederation of Ecuador.

e) in the cangaço activities.

question 2


Robespierre- What's going on here?

III Citizen - What could happen? It happens that those few drops of blood from August and September did not make the cheeks of the people blush. The guillotine moves very slowly. We need a good downpour!

I Citizen - Our women and children cry out for bread; we want to feed them with the meat of the aristocracy. We will! Kill those who don't have a holey coat! All- Kill! Woods!

(BÜCHNER, Georg. The Death of Danton. Dramatic Pictures from the Age of Terror in France . trans. Mario da Silva, Pocket Classics, Ed. Tecnoprint S.A. s/d)

The drama, written between 1834/35, portrays the moment of the French Revolution when the Jacobins are in power, trying to sweep the "traitors" of the Revolution from France. About the period portrayed, we can say that:

a) allowed the fulfillment of popular demands and preserved the privileges of the clergy and the nobility. b) guaranteed the permanence of the high bourgeoisie (gironda) and the nobility in alliance for the defense of the revolution.

c) preserved feudal rights and guaranteed the privileges of the French nobility reconciled with bourgeois advances.

d) preserved a liberal-style Constitution and defended the census vote, guaranteeing the political participation of the bourgeoisie.

e) was the most radical moment of the revolutionary process and had wide popular participation.

question 3

Read the excerpt below and then mark the correct alternative:

Modelled on the Jacobin precedent that obsessed the minds of the Bolsheviks, the Red Terror, however, was also fueled by the blind ideological conviction that only a civil war would pave the way for the new historical epoch. . The 'war communism' formula summed up, in fact, the mixture between utopian visions and ferocious methods of government.” (PONS, Silvio. The global revolution:history of international communism, 1917-1991 . Rio de Janeiro:Contraponto Editora; Brasília:Astrojildo Pereira Foundation, 2014. p. 67.)

The author, in the excerpt above, points out that:

a) the “war communism” of the Bolsheviks depended on the supply of arms by the Jacobins.

b) the “red terror” of the Bolsheviks is characterized by the massive use of the guillotine, hence the identification with the Jacobins.

c) the French Jacobin terror served as a revolutionary model for the Russian Bolsheviks.

d) the Jacobin revolutionary utopia was considered by the Bolsheviks as conservative.

e) Jacobinism had no effect on the actions of the Bolsheviks.

question 4

(FGV) “The time has come for equality to pass the scythe over all heads. So lawmakers, let's put terror on the agenda.” (Speech by Robespierre at the Convention). Robespierre's speech took place in one of the most intense periods of the French Revolution. This period was characterized:

a) for the foundation of the constitutional monarchy, marked by the functioning of the National Assembly.

b) by the organization of the Directory, marked by the adoption of the census vote.

c) by the Thermidorian reaction, marked by the strengthening of conservative sectors.

d) for the convocation of the Estates General, which put an end to French absolutism.

e) for the creation of the Committee of Public Safety and the radicalization of the revolution.

answers Question 1

Letter B

The Revolt, or Conspiracy, of the Tailors took place in 1798, in Bahia, and was also known as “Conjuração Baiana”. This revolt was greatly influenced by the Jacobin phase of the French Revolution, which reached its peak in the years 1793 and 1794, when the so-called “Revolutionary Terror” was implemented.

Question 2

Letter E

The excerpt refers to the period of the Jacobin Revolutionary Terror, which further radicalized the French Revolution, especially after the death of Marat (notorious Jacobin) at the hands of a noblewoman, Charlotte Corday. After Marat's death, the persecutions and murders committed by the Jacobins against the French nobility intensified exponentially.

Question 3

Letter C

In the excerpt, Silvio Pons highlights the weight that the ideology of the Revolutionary Terror of the Jacobins had for the execution of the communist Red Terror led by the Bolsheviks from 1917 onwards. The development of “war communism”, proposed by Lenin, carried out a project of political and economic support based on persecutions, deaths and civil war, in the same way as the phase of terror in the French Revolution.

Question 4

Letter E

The Committee of Public Safety (Comité de Salut Public ) was inaugurated on April 6, 1793, the year of the death of the Jacobin Marat, and its main objective was to organize the Jacobin dictatorship in France, which became known as the “Phase of Terror”. The use of the guillotine against nobles and all those who opposed the directives of the National Convention (led by the Jacobins) became imperative at this stage.