Historical Figures

How do you draw thurgood marshall?

Step 1: Gather your materials.

* A pencil

* A piece of paper

* A ruler

* An eraser

Step 2: Draw the basic shapes.

1. Start by drawing a circle for Thurgood Marshall's head.

2. Add an oval for his body.

3. Draw two lines for his arms.

4. Draw two more lines for his legs.

Step 3: Add the details.

1. Draw Thurgood Marshall's eyes, nose, and mouth.

2. Add a few details to his hair.

3. Draw his shirt, pants, and shoes.

4. Add any other details you like, such as a briefcase or a gavel.

Step 4: Erase the guidelines.

Once you're happy with your drawing, erase the guidelines from Step 2.

Step 5: Color your drawing.

Color your drawing however you like. You can use crayons, markers, colored pencils, or even paint.

Here are some tips for drawing Thurgood Marshall:

* Use light strokes when drawing the guidelines. This will make it easier to erase them later.

* Take your time and don't be afraid to make mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes when they're drawing. Just learn from your mistakes and keep practicing.

* Have fun! Drawing is a great way to express yourself creatively.