In -1792, Hammurabi inherited Babylon by his father Sin-Muballit, which at the time was only a medium-sized town. Mesopotamia is indeed a territory torn apart by internal wars between the various city-states. But the sixth king of Babylon, a fine political strategist, succeeded in concluding alliances and considerably increasing the power of the city. It is considered that Babylon knows its golden age and becomes a real empire under its reign. Hammurabi conquers as much as he restructures and consolidates his kingdom. He is a builder; its urban planning works are gigantic. His legislative role will notably be updated thanks to the eponymous code found in 1901. A stele to his glory – composed of a bas-relief of Hammurabi receiving the insignia of power from the god Shamash (divinity of the sun but also of justice) – indeed bears the 282 laws that he established. This code is the most complete and oldest that has ever been found in Mesopotamia.
Around -1810 - Around -1750
Head of State
King of Babylon