He was born into a Rouen bourgeoisie family in 1954. After a law degree, he joined HEC before joining the Paris Institute of Political Studies. A graduate of the ENA in 1980, he is in the same promotion as Dominique de Villepin and Ségolène Royal. It was in 1979 that he joined the Socialist Party. Close to François Mitterrand, he combines local mandates. His electoral opposition to Jacques Chirac ended in defeat in the legislative elections of 1981. 7 years later, he was elected deputy for Corrèze. From 1988 to 1991, he was professor of economics at the Institute of Political Studies in Paris. He joined Matignon in 1997, after the victory of the plural left, and Lionel Jospin made him the first secretary of the PS.
In October 2011, he was the official Socialist Party candidate for the presidency. On May 6, 2012, he was elected President of the Republic against Nicolas Sarkozy. Since taking office on May 15, 2012, he has implemented several laws, including one authorizing marriage for same-sex couples.
1954 - ?