Born in 1929 in Izmir, Turkey, Édouard Balladur graduated from Sciences Po Paris in 1950, then from the National School of Administration (ENA) in 1957. State Councillor, he then entered politics in the office of Prime Minister Pompidou in 1964 and as such participated in the Grenelle agreements in 1968. In 1973 he became secretary general of the presidency of the republic. Under the first cohabitation in 1986, Jacques Chirac appointed him Minister of State for the Economy, Finance and Privatization.
With the overwhelming victory of the right under the second presidency of François Mitterrand, Edouard Balladur became Prime Minister of the second cohabitation between 1993 and 1995. He brought into his government many parliamentarians (Charles Pasqua, Alain Juppé, Nicolas Sarkozy) and tried to establish mutual respect in the cohabitation. In 1993, he launched a privatization plan as well as a pension reform. Defeated in the 1995 presidential election against Jacques Chirac, he retired from the forefront of political life and supported Nicolas Sarkozy.
1929 - ?
Prime Minister
French statesman