- François de Montmorency (1530 – 1579) Eldest of the Montmorency sons, he had a brilliant military career before becoming governor of Paris, where he opposed the Guise. He leaves his post and leaves the field open to the Catholics who celebrate Saint-Barthélemy. After the massacre, he takes down the corpse of his cousin Coligny from the gibbet of Montfaucon. Under Charles IX, opposed to the Guise, he joined the Malcontents.
- Henri de Montmorency (1534 – 1614) Second son of Anne de Montmorency, he was initially close to the Catholic camp and the Guise, but after the Saint-Barthélemy massacre, he made a political rapprochement with the Protestants , together with his 3 brothers. Later, he will be appointed constable of France by Henri IV.