He joined the army at the age of 18 and served under Louis XV in several European courts as a diplomat , he will be locked up in the Bastille until the arrival of Louis XVI. Minister of Foreign Affairs to Louis XVI in 1792, he precipitated the declaration of war on Austria. Winner of the Prussians at Valmy then the Austrians at Jemmapes, he occupied Belgium and was acclaimed by the Gironde of which he was a part. He manifests his opposition to the Convention, and is relieved of his command after the defeat of Neerwinden. He then dealt with the Austrians, and wandered Europe until 1800. Arrived in England, he became Wellington's adviser in Spain. The Bourbons will refuse him the return to France, he will then remain in England, where he died in oblivion.
April 30, 1773 (Ardres) - July 24, 1812 (Paris) Portrait of Dorsenne A volunteer in 1791, Dorsenne distinguished himself by his ardor in the Northern Army, becoming a captain there before going to the Rhine, then to Italy. His courage worked wonders during the passage of the Tagliamento (March