Son of Louis the German and Emma. In 881, Charles was crowned Emperor of the West. Called to ensure the regency of Charles III, last son of Louis II le Bègue, he took the opportunity to be crowned king of France in 885. The Empire of Charlemagne was thus reconstituted, with the exception of Provence and Burgundy transjurane, for the last time. In 886, during the siege of Paris, Charles sent troops late and let the Normans sack Burgundy. In 887 Charles was stripped of his titles. He is not counted among the kings of France, which explains why Charles the Simple from whom he had taken the throne will then bear the number III, after Charles II the Bald. Number III of Le Gros was that of Emperor of the West. Charles the Fat died in 888 after losing all power.
Ancient people settled since the middle of the third millennium BC. in the foothills bordered by the eastern Taurus chain and the northern Zagros mountains, in upper Mesopotamia. Their language, as in the case of the Sumerians and the Elamites , did not belong to the Semitic or Indo-European g