The journey from India to London was long, tiring and boring. Vallabhbhai prepared well in advance for this long, tedious and boring journey. He took many books of law with him from India. While other travelers resorted to various entertainment measures to eliminate the boredom of travel, Vallabhbhai used this time to study Roman law.
From morning till evening he would be lost in these books, trying to understand and memorize the nuances of Roman law. In this way he continued to enjoy books even in the disease of C-sickness. The fatigue of traveling did not overwhelm him and he did not feel boredom either. By the time he reached London from India, he had read many books of Roman law and memorized important parts.
This preparation came in handy later on. The degree to which he was on his way to London, and the extraordinary success he was about to achieve, was actually laid during this journey. It was not a difficult task for a man of mind and determination like Vallabhbhai.