Nehanda Charwe Nyakasikana (circa 1840–1898) was a svikiro , a medium from the Shona people in Zimbabwe. Considered the reincarnation of a 15th century princess, she inspired a movement of revolt against the British colonists.
The spirit of Nehanda
Nehanda Nyakasikana was born around 1840 in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), under the name of Nyakasikana. Her people, the Shonas, practice ancestor worship and see in her the reincarnation of the Nehanda spirit.
In the 15th century, Nyamhika, daughter of Emperor Mutota and considered to possess a divine essence, participates in an imposing incestuous ritual of having sex with her half-brother Matope to make him more powerful. Matope expands the empire considerably and shares his kingdom with his half-sister, who becomes "Nehanda", the first ruler of the Monomotapa empire.
Upon his death, the story goes that Nehanda's spirit becomes a royal mudzimu (ancestor spirit), surviving in the body of a lion until reincarnated in the right person. Four centuries later, the Shona people thus consider that the spirit of Nehanda lives in the body of Nehanda Nyakasikana, which makes the young woman a talented medium.
British Settlers
As a medium, Nehanda Nyakasikana performs prophecies, pronounces oracles and performs traditional ceremonies to ensure a favorable climate and good harvests.
Influential, Nehanda Nyakasikana initially advocated maintaining good relations with the first European settlers who came to settle in Africa. She believes that they are there to trade, and that they should be welcomed as friends.
But relations with the settlers soured quickly. The British impose an increasingly strong presence on the Shona people, and increasingly heavy demands. In 1896, revolted by the forced labor and taxes imposed on her people, Nehanda Nyakasikana incited her people to revolt.
The first Chimurenga

Incited by Nehanda Nyakasikana, the Shonas and Ndebeles revolt against the settlers in what will be called the First Chimurenga (Rebellion) or Second Matabele War. At first, the revolt is led by the priest Mukwati. In October, Nehanda Nyakasikana and the priest Kaguvi [English], considered the spirit consort of Nehanda, take over and play a considerable role in the revolt.
For more than a year, Nehanda Nyakasikana incited her people to fight the settlers and evaded the British who sought to capture her. When the revolt was put down in 1897, Nehanda Nyakasikana and Kaguvi were arrested, charged with murder and sentenced to death. The English offer them life if they convert to Christianity, but they refuse. Nehanda is executed by hanging; the story goes that, at first, the English were unable to kill her. Just before he dies, his last words are:"My bones will come to life! »
Mbuya (grandmother) Nehanda Nyakasikana remains a prominent figure in the struggle for the colonization of Zimbabwe. The second Chimurenga (1966 – 1979) lead to the independence of the country.