Archaeological discoveries

What is the price of 1886 silver dollar?

Coin Mintage Approximate Price Range

1886 Morgan Silver Dollar 12,450,000 $20 - $36

The price of an 1886 silver dollar can vary significantly depending on its condition and rarity. Uncirculated coins in good condition can fetch a higher price than circulated coins, and rare varieties or errors can command even higher prices.

Here is a general guide to the approximate price range of 1886 silver dollars based on their condition:

- Good (G) condition: $20 - $30

- Fine (F) condition: $30 - $40

- Very Fine (VF) condition: $40 - $50

- Extremely Fine (XF) condition: $50 - $70

- Uncirculated (MS) condition: $70 - $100

It is important to note that these prices are approximate and can vary depending on the specific coin and market conditions. To determine the exact value of an 1886 silver dollar, it is best to have it appraised by a professional coin dealer or numismatist.