The medievalist Alban Gautier (University of Caen) was live on the Twitch channel of Sciences et Avenir Thursday, May 20, 2021 between 5:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. An interview to review in video on our site.

Alban Gautier, professor of medieval history at the University of Caen, was the guest of the Twitch of Sciences et Avenir Thursday, May 20, 2021, at 5:30 p.m.
Gandalf fans, afficionados of the Lannisters, many of you were on Thursday, May 20, 2021 from 5:30 p.m. to dive with us into the work of J.R.R. Tolkien as in the saga Game of Thrones on the occasion of the live of Sciences et Avenir on our Twitch channel ( with Alban Gautier, professor of medieval history at the University of Caen. A specialist in the Middle Ages of Great Britain and Northern Europe, Professor Gautier has answered your questions about the historical influences of these seminal works of fantasy. We also made a detour to the Round Table of King Arthur:Alban Gautier is the author of a "King Arthur" published by the Presses Universitaires de France (PUF) which unravels the legend of the story in the story of the master of Excalibur.
A source of inspiration for The Lord of the Rings
In a recent article published on the Sciences et Avenir website, and published on the occasion of the broadcast on Netflix of the film The Dig which returns to the extraordinary discovery of the ship-grave of Sutton Hoo in the United Kingdom, Alban Gautier had answered our questions on the "Dark Ages". A 200-year period "of which we have practically no written text; two centuries of which our understanding rests almost exclusively on archaeology" commented Professor Gautier.
In short, a fertile period of mystery for the imagination, the "Dark ages" having been an important source of inspiration for The Lord of the Rings . This is explained in particular because around the year 500, that is to say in the heart of the Dark Ages, Great Britain at the time was composed of a mosaic of several dozen small kingdoms. Who spent most of their time... fighting!
All Sciences et Avenir Twitch are to be reviewed on our site
It was a time "where war is the main economic activity" according to Alan Gautier, who told us more about it Thursday, May 20 at 5:30 p.m., for 1:30 a.m. live, on the Twitch channel of Sciences et Avenir :the replay is to be reviewed below. We are expecting many of you! Find our previous streams on the Sciences et Avenir website , for example the one dedicated to the making-of of number 891 of our magazine or this meeting with Professor Bertrand Ludes, director of the Institut médico-légal de Paris, the famous morgue located on the banks of the Seine, in which we were talking about of forensic medicine and scientific police.